Fundraiser for YouthPedia

Fundraiser for YouthPedia

Goal: $ 100000 | Raised: $ 600


Fundraiser for YouthPedia

YouthPedia ( ) is launched by Be The Change Foundation in July 2020. The purpose of this project is to build a digitized multi-media encyclopedia for K-12 students, which can be used as supplemental reading to broaden their knowledge, cultivate early-age interests and serve as a tool to learn languages. A unique characteristic of this project is that, all the contents are created by students themselves through online collaboration, so students get an opportunity to practice creativity and leadership skills, since each work is made by a team of creators.

In this project, students will choose one or multiple roles as creators, including writers, illustrators, designers, translators, narrators and video editors, and be assigned to different teams. Students will come up with their own topics to write based on their interests and what they have learned, and collaboratively complete each work in the form of VideoBook.

By participating in this project, students can:
1.  Receive mentorship on writing, illustration, design and video editing
2.  Establish a portfolio for college and job applications
3.  Earn volunteer hours and Presidential Volunteer Service Awards
4.  Recruit friends to build their own teams
5.  Get free leadership training
6.  Get recommendation letters
7.  Connect with students worldwide
8.  Win Be the Change Foundation scholarship
Reading can help children stretch their imaginations and encourage them to reach out to the world and people whose lives are quite different. Our kid-safe and ad-free streaming digital books and creative storytelling will inspire children all over the world to discover their interests and fall in love with reading.  Funding will be used to provide necessary mentorship and training for students to improve their skills and to maintain the platform and website so that we can continue to produce high-quality online video books to benefit children around the world. 

Here are some examples of video books created by students for the public: 

Be the change you wish to see in the world! Thank you for your support!

Cause Details
Be The Change Foundation
Raised Amount
$ 600
Goal Amount
$ 100000

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